Category Archives: The Real Story

Archive of the column “The Real Story” by David Parrish, ABR, CRS, CSP, GRI, ePro, Realtor

Thanksgiving… Again…

I have a rather special connection to Thanksgiving. While my dear, sweet wife believes that connection may be that I can be a turkey, that’s not the connection I am thinking of… The connection that I’m thinking of is that … Continue reading

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Living Small (Step 2)…

Living Small (Step 2)… Our rightsizing adventures continue… Closets fully behind us and now inspired, we moved to the attic: home of Christmas ornaments and things long forgotten. Do I still really need those tax returns from 1962? Not all … Continue reading

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Living Small (Step 1)

Living Small… (Step 1) After years in the acquisition mode, I have arrived, as have many, to a place where more is not better. As a matter of fact, I’ve spent considerable energy lately to consider next steps and invariably … Continue reading

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Qualifying to buy your new home…

I have good credit… I’m ready to buy… I realize that we have spoken about credit scores here before… however, with the post-crash lending standards, “good” credit or a “good” credit score doesn’t mean a buyer will be seen as … Continue reading

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Thinking About A Second Home…

Just returning from vacation… barely finished unpacking. While at the beach I couldn’t help myself… As I have frequently (almost always) done in the past, I found myself thinking wouldn’t it be great if we had a home here… Do … Continue reading

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The New Room…

A recent survey by identified a trend that I have been noticing more and more lately… While the kitchen is still the room that frequently makes or breaks a deal, there is an increasing shift of focus to another … Continue reading

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White Lies…

I was speaking with another Realtor the other day and we got on the subject of telling buyers and sellers the truth… versus what they want to hear… or in other words the use of white lies! I don’t know … Continue reading

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The First 8 Seconds…

It has long been known that first impressions are an essential ingredient to success or failure. Real estate is no exception. As a mater of fact that first 8 seconds of a prospective homeowner’s encounter with a prospective new home … Continue reading

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So… How are the mortgage rates?

Saying that Mortgage rates are good doesn’t seem to resonate with the public… for a better understanding of just how good they are take a look at Mortgage Rates Through the Years… Here’s an overview of mortgage rates in the … Continue reading

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So, how’s the market?

A recent talk given at Cahaba Toastmasters

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