Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)

Think of yourself as an expert negotiator … There is more to negotiation than beating up the seller … A true negotiator knows where the soft spots are and where negotiations are likely to be most successful. Selling one’s home is most frequently a highly emotional struggle … I’ve seen more than one seller declare a particular purchaser as unwanted because of the nature of offers made and how they presented. Even to the point of taking lesser offers to prove their point.

I know you’ve heard it before … All Real Estate is local … National Averages and Network news sources provide little useful or practical information for the buyer of real estate. You need local expertise.

Seek representation… Use a Buyer’s Agent to represent you. Preferably an Accredited Buyers Agent (ABR) who has been specifically trained and has transaction history of assisting buyers in this important process. Then let them help you take advantage of this especially advantageous Buyer’s Market!

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