The Magic Is Back…

While no doubt some credit could be given to corporate entities now non-existent and perhaps even to politicians… some of whom have fallen into disrepute but who nonetheless refused to quit on the possibility that the Magic City had life yet experienced. There were committees and action groups endless performing CPR on her. There were institutions that gave us something to be proud of and thus kept hope alive. All were contributors to what is today. But the energy that drives what is today comes not from those traditionally viewed as powerful influencers, as much as it does from those that collectively saw the possibility of Birmingham as a place to live and play… largely to that oft maligned group called the “Millennials.”

The “Millennials” … those born between 1982 and 2004, the older of which are now coming of age and into the position of influence have demonstrated a desire for a different kind of life … a more livable life style. Not afraid of but embracing diversity, they seem to look for a place where living and playing all happen within their reach… without the need to traverse chaotic travel corridors, places where there are sidewalks, local pubs and eateries they can walk or bicycle to… for the most part disdainers of chains… lovers of the unique and perhaps freaky … the live and let live generation have found beauty in this old town now better than new… Yes, a town with a not so beautiful past but reborn in hope, recycled and re-tooled.

While still constrained by the forces of history, politics and decades of decline, Birmingham once again has more than a twinkle in its eye, or a spring in its step and hopes for a brighter future… It seems the magic is back. And the source of that magic is likely to make more changes that to many will defy what we may have believed possible… Those changes may soon be coming to a neighborhood near you. They are after all the folks who may well decide what the future value of your home shall be. Pay attention.

May the Market be with you.

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