Category Archives: The Real Story

Archive of the column “The Real Story” by David Parrish, ABR, CRS, CSP, GRI, ePro, Realtor

The American Dream…

While celebrating this Independence Day, it seems appropriate to reflect on what it means; yet, I always find it difficult to write about special events and holidays. It seems that all that needs to be said has been said… that … Continue reading

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ABC 33/40 TV Interview June 19, 2013

Market Update… Interview with Ebony Hall of ABC 33/40 TV – Talk of Alabama Interview June 19, 2013

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Did you miss it…

Did you miss it… I started out to write this column about Adding and Maintaining Value; but, while doing so I took a glance at the current interest rates. Wow quite a bump in rates last week! While the fact … Continue reading

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Real Estate Headlines…

Do you remember when… just a few short years ago (three to be exact) the government paid you $8000 to buy a home if you hadn’t owned one in three years? How times have changed! Today’s headlines: Pending Home Sales … Continue reading

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A Real Estate Forecast …

Here we are a full three months and a few days into 2013 and experiencing a Sellers’ Market … some seven years after the commencement of the fall of the Housing Market. For those who watch the numbers, there is … Continue reading

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Sellers’ Market Returns…

It’s a well-accepted fact… Markets are governed by the law of supply and demand. For the past five years the level of inventory for sale versus the demand for housing in the Birmingham housing market has definitely favored Buyers… it … Continue reading

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The Good Ole Days…

As we move into the meat of 2013, I propose that this is a year that many will remember in the years to come, as the Good Ole Days! Did I get your attention? That’s right… now are the good … Continue reading

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Real Estate Provisions in “Fiscal Cliff” Bill…

On January 1 both the Senate and House passed H.R. 8, legislation to avert the “fiscal cliff.” I bet you thought you had heard the last on the “Fiscal Cliff”… You may have even thought you knew what the debate … Continue reading

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Market Continues to Improve…

As we continue to watch the market, we have a building body of evidence that the housing market is continuing to improve with extremely positive signs that the worst is over. Those markets hardest hit, such as California, Nevada and … Continue reading

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Sellers Take Advantage of the Market…

As reported here over the course of the last two columns, there is a substantial market turn around underway… with this news there is an obvious pressure on buyers to cash in on deals before they become even harder to … Continue reading

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