
The Real Story…

News and commentary about the real estate market and related topics.
Dave Parrish, ABR ®, CRSA, CSP, GRI, ePRO ®, REALTOR ®, RealtySouth

The opinions expressed here are my own and don’t necessarily represent those of HomeServices South.


We are in the season of Thanksgiving… a season to reflect and express our gratitude for the past year and to celebrate the things that we value most. Forgive me as I move a bit off topic this week to reflect on this season and those things for which we are thankful.

After the turmoil of the last four years, I know it must seem strange to hear some one mention real estate and thanksgiving in the same breath.  That may especially seem so since we have not yet reached the end of the declining home values and of people losing their homes to foreclosure. While I do have a positive attitude about the long-term direction of real estate, I also recognize that for the short term, we are in for more pain for many and I’ll not try to spin it in any way to minimize the very real pain being felt out there.

Yes it’s a great market for buyers… especially those with nothing to sell. It offers: low prices, historically low interest rates and lots of homes to choose from. For sellers who are moving up, it can be a great market as well. But it’s tough for those making the move to a smaller, less expensive home or making that final sale. The market, while still changing and headed for improvement, is none-the-less forever changed.

For more and more people this time of economic stress has served as a wake-up call… a re-thinking of values, of what is truly important. Increasingly, I hear the desire to downsize and simplify… to disengage from the perpetual quest to acquire. Substituting instead the idea that “Less is more.” Putting first the important things. And that is not altogether bad. Maybe it’s even a reason to be thankful.

You see Thanksgiving is not just for “Good Times”… It’s for all times. Regardless of the times, it is the season of Thanksgiving and in that reflection I find that I am most grateful for my family and friends, my clients, the community I share with you. Know that I am praying that you will be blessed in the coming year. Remember: If you really want a wonderful Thanksgiving … Help someone.

Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

May the Market be with you.

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