The changes they keep a comin…

The Real Story…

News and commentary about the real estate market and related topics.

Dave Parrish, ABR ®, CRSA, CSP, GRI, ePRO ®, REALTOR ®, RealtySouth

The opinions expressed here are my own and don’t necessarily represent those of HomeServices South.

The changes they keep a comin…

Last week seemed to be filled with new announcements of changes in the market place… new policies, guidelines, procedures and requirements… some in the works for a while… others immediate with no announcement. Without getting into the particulars of those changes and whether they were necessary or not, good for the market or not … there simply isn’t enough space here to treat each appropriately… I will say that the coming of changes in the market is now so common place, as to be expected on an almost daily basis. That is if you’re involved in the market place on a daily basis.

The problem is individuals that are buying and/or selling homes do so very infrequently and therefore are not involved in the market in a way sufficientto know what is normal or to be expected, except by comparison to the last time they were involved in the purchase or sale of a home.

We are in a CHANGED Market! The free-wheeling, “loosey-goosey” days that we experienced in the opening years of the new millennium are gone… Moreover, I can’t imagine the scenario that would bring them back in our collective life times. There is a “new normal” and a characteristic of that new normal is to expect change! But change does come easily, quietly or softly!

Preparing for and coping with those changes has become a major part of the real estate market today. So much so, that I begin each engagement with a new client with an explanation of this changed market and a forewarning that we will encounter stumbling blocks, issues and yes even problems often wrought of this constantly changing environment. Rules, procedures and guidelines can and often change from the time the transaction begins and that it ends.

As much as we would like to, it seems that none of us have the ability to stop this onslaught of changes before they happen. What the professional agent does is to not panic, not to rant and rave about these problems but to prepare for these unexpected events and to work through the problems and hurdles to a successful outcome. And as any good guide prepare his fellow sojourners for what lies ahead. To that extent we share a journey through a foreign and unknown land armed primarily with ability to read the stars and overcome adversity. Together we will reach our goal despite those changes… but only with patience and diligence.

May the market be with you…

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